One week ago, I received a phone call that
will forever change my life. My 21 year old
nephew had been in a terrible car
accident. I was the first person the hospital
could locate because Travis' parents
were both out of town. I was also the first
person to see Travis. What I was
told that morning was DEVASTATING.
injuries to his brain. His only other
real injury is a fractured hip.
Travis has been in a self induced coma
and also a medically induced paralytic
coma since the accident.
When we reached the 72 hour mark,
the doctors began to feel confident that
Travis would survive. (MIRACLE).
Medically speaking, the injury to his
brain is awful and we do not like what
most of the doctors tell us. Instead,
we believe God has HIS hands on
Travis!!! We believe "only God knows"
how Travis will come out of this.
For now, we wait on Travis
to wake up and we PRAY PRAY PRAY.
As I look back to one week ago,
I know without a doubt that
I have already witnessed a
Travis has always loved superman.
We have taken that love and run with it
this week! The outpouring of love and
support for Travis and our family has
been UHHH to the MAY-ZING (amazing!).
We have been fed, loved, cared for,
and most of all PRAYED for.
There will never be enough thank you's
in this world. We have taken over the
ICU waiting room and we have a
shrine to OUR SUPERMAN!!!
We are all wearing superman
shirts, tatoos, rings and
bracelets (that his sweet little
girlfriends have been making).
Our entire family and extended family (friends)
have been together since Sunday morning
and Travis's friends FILL the waiting
rooms...doing just that...
waiting on Travis!

Here I am with Hunter. He is Travis' 16 year old
brother. I hope you will pray for him, too.
This is truly a nightmare, BUT we are living
through it BY THE GRACE OF GOD.

I feel like this post is all over the place.
I have basically come back to my blog
to beg you to keep on praying.
I have so much to share and will as I can.
We began this week living minute to minute.
Now I'd say we are living hour to hour.
MRSA, a staff infection, and pneumonia
have set in on Travis. We were told that
these things would happen, but man is
it tough. Everything is tough right now.
Tomorrow (Monday, August 2nd),
Travis will have surgery to have a
trach put in and also a feeding tube.
We are not sure how long Travis
will be in the medically induced
paralytic coma OR in his own coma.
I would also like to ask you to pray
for Lynna, my sister. Travis is her heart.
Pray like only a mommy can pray for
another mommy. I also ask for prayers
for Scott, Travis' dad. I can't tell you how
many times he tells me how he wishes
he could trade places with Travis.
It's just awful. Everything about this is awful.
we DO have hope and we DO have faith
in God. We need our Travis
back 100%. He can and will change
the lives of so many with his story.
The depth of my love for Travis is
deep to say the least. We have a very
special bond and I am missing his
hugs, his voice, his million dollar smile
and his LOVE for life. These are the
darkest days my family and I have ever
faced. I quickly found one post I knew I
had written about Travis. You'll have to
scroll down to the bottom of the post to read
a full thing I wrote about him in January of '09.
Oh, Travis! I am missing you like crazy!
I am thankful that I talked to you two days before your accident. Sweet boy told me he loved me before I even said it to him. He's just that type of kid. There isn't anybody he couldn't charm. I can't wait to really talk to him again. For now, I'll whisper in his ears and hope and pray that he can hear me.
I can't even remember which day but one day last week (around the 72 hour mark, I believe), we all looked out the window of the hospital to see this double rainbow...
A sign of God's promise!
We DO believe in miracles and we are praying for one for our Superman!!! Please join me in praying. Thank you with all of my heart!