Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mrs. Pierce / Madame Pierce

My favorite roles in life are, of course,
mommy and wife...
(daughter, sister, & friend, too!)
but I also really like being "Mrs. Pierce"
to my tenth grade English students!
Every May after we read Julius Caesar,
we have a TOGA party!!!
That day I have my three classes meet in the
cafeteria during their class for food and fun...
And a BEST TOGA contest!!!I don't know how it happens, but I seem
to get the ABSOLUTE BEST students
every.single.year!This year's bunch were so wonderful and
such a blast! I love that I can not only
teach, but also make friendships with
so many amazing kids. They all have such
distint and unique personalities! My goal every year is to make some sort of
personal connection with EACH student.
I have a great job...
and it's NOT because it's only part time!
I really do enjoy teaching and loving my students.And my teacher friends, too!!!Then a couple of weeks ago, I had the
HUGE HONOR of going to Walker's
first grade class as Madame Pierce!!!
I first read
"La Vielle Dame Qui Avala Une Mouche"
in French to the class.
The students were QUICK to realize that I was reading
"There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly"!!!
After I finished reading the French version,
I switched books and read the English version.
Then I taught the students how to say
hello, how are you, very good, very bad,
so-so and good-bye in French.
I used flashcards and then let the students
take turns having a conversation with me.
I had a BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such a change being with little biddies
in a classroom! They were SO enthusiastic and
were all such little sponges!
(I'm excited because I just found out that
I will be teaching two French classes and
one English class next year! Tres bien!)
Hudson came along for the lesson as well.
Walker had been BEGGING me to bring him
to his class. He had even asked his teacher
if he could bring him and Hadlee for show
and tell one day! Huds was quite a hit!At first I thought Walker might have been most
excited about having Hudson there,
but then I read in his 'favorite things about
first grade' project that learning French
with his mom made the TOP THREE!!!Being there was all my pleasure though!
How fun for Walker to WANT me in his classroom.
I'm guessing that won't always be the case!
So, I'll gladly take full advantage of that now!!!


Brandi said...

You are so awesome! I didn't know you taught French. Rock on! 3 classes next year, how do you juggle it all? I can't imagine. Wonder woman!!!!!

angie said...

I love that you speak French, I can just imagine those first grade faces when you started reading to them:). I loved seeing your precious family today at church, and the prayer that was prayed over y'all was perfect. Love ya!

Mrs. Davison said...

Wow, I too am impressed! I have been job-sharing for the last 9 years and I will be full-time next year. My youngest is 11 and going into the 6th grade. How do you do it?!

Kimberly said...

So fun! I am SO HAPPY that you get to teach French again! What a fantastic teacher you are Mindy! Lucky kiddos. Chloe loves There Was An Old Woman...wish you were here to read it to her. Love you bestie

Beth E. said...

I'm sure you are an amazing teacher, Mindy! It's easy to see that your students love you. :-)

What fun to get to spend time with Walker's class and teach them a little French. I took French classes many, many, MANY years ago, but I've forgotten almost all of it...never used it! *sigh*

What great memories you are creating. Not just for your children, but for the students, too!
