A package or, shall I say, a TREASURE,
arrived in the mail a few weeks ago.
It was addressed to Walker and Hadlee.
We had no idea what it was!!!
NEEDLESS to say..............
the kids were OVER the TOP excited...
This treasure was from my best blogging buddy BETH!
You will not EVEN believe what all she sent!
On top of the perfectly packed package
was a book written by Beth...
"The Adventure of the Mystery Box".
It was complete with pictures and
descriptions of Beth and her family's
recent vacation to Sunset Beach, North Carolina.
OF COURSE the book was quite funny!!!
It's Beth writing the book!!!
This was Hadlee when Walker read the part
about Beth almost sending some stinky seaweed
in the treasure box!!!
WOW...this really was a treasure!
As quickly as they possibly could,
Walker and Hadlee pulled out these perfectly
labeled containers of TREASURES!!!
The book explained their trip, their family,
and how Beth came up with this idea.
One container had big sea shells,
one had shells with holes, one was wacky
and weird things, one was fragile shells,
and one was oyster shells.
Are you kidding me?!?
This was UHHH-may-ZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walker was the chief treasure hunter...
reading every last detail and opening
each container for Hadlee and him!
The kids were MEZ-mur-IZED!!!
Beth also sent two, cute little turtle
keepsakes for the kiddos...
AND a bag of Sunset Beach SAND!!!
The sand was Hadlee's favorite...
or maybe the sea shells with holes in them
that we are using to make a necklace with
or maybe it was the pretty and fragile ones.
She loved it ALL I guess I should say!!! 
Walker was absolutely CRAZY over everything
...come on, it was a REAL life TREASURE!
This is every little boy's dream!
This is every little boy's dream!
Not surprisingly his favorite
was probably the WEIRD and WACKY
or maybe it was the really big ones...or maybe...
just maybe it was EVERYTHING!!!
Beth makes several references to Hudson in
the book, too. She mentions that he was really too
small to play with these ocean wonders but that
he would enjoy watching is big brother and big
sister as they played. Beth, you were RIGHT ON!
Beth...Hudsy Puds loves you, too!!!
A map, too!?!?! Absolutely!
This was just crazy cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I was a little bit in shock over this package! It was so very thoughtful and creative. Beth mentioned to me over the phone when I called her that she was practicing being a grandma. Well, Beth...you may practice on us ANYTIME! What an INCREDIBLE grandmother you will be someday!!! Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walker, especially, has shown this to everyone. It's just priceless!!!
I think that my newfound friendship with Beth through our blogs is PRICELESS! Sometimes I just can't fathom how God blesses me with such kind people in my life like Beth. It truly, truly overwhelms me. Beth, you are a Godly and kind and praying friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving me and my children (and T-dawg, too...I know you do!).

Not only did this make for a SUPER fun day (and summer!...we play seashells all the time now!!!), but it was an incredible lesson for me to share with Walker and Hadlee. I talked a great deal with them about the kindness of people and doing for others. I told them that this package wasn't the ONLY treasure but that BETH, mommy's dear friend, is a TREASURE herself!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Pierce Party of Five thanks you so much, Beth!!!
We will treasure this "treasure" forever!!!!!!!