Hadlee's 4th Birthday Party was on Saturday.
It was a cupcake theme!
Come On In...
(You should feel like you were there after this post!)
Sweet Forever More...
Our Cupcake is Four!!!

We were all just a little bit excited...
alright, a WHOLE lot excited!!!
We love our little girl like CRAZY!!!
We (or better yet "I") love a theme!!!
and how much fun is a cupcake theme?!?

There were cupcakes and pink everywhere!!!
Also precious pictures of our Haddie Girl...
THE cutest cupcake we know!!!
There was a spot to decorate your own cupcake...

Don't think I didn't dress for the theme...
check out my cupcake shirt! FUN!!!
Hadlee's ADORABLE outfit
was made by Misty at her
darling boutique!!!
T-dawg made hot dogs (80 of them!!!).
I made cupcakes (4 dozen!!!).
Then there was a bounce house
to jump off those hot dogs & cupcakes!
It was a gorgeous day to celebrate
our Haddie Pattie Pie!

It was a wee bit windy so my banner didn't
last too long outside...but it found a spot inside!
The absolute BEST part of the party
(other than the BIRTHday GIRL!!!)
was our sweet friends and family who came!

The best grandparents, aunts, uncles
and cousins in the world...

Haddie Girl loves her some cupcakes,
but she loves her some cookie cake even more!!!
Look at the excitement on Sweet Thing's
face! She's planning exactly which piece
she wants...you'll soon see!
I love these pictures of us singing to Hadlee.
I especially love the smiles
on Troy, Walker and me.
We just love our girl so, so much!!!
You really just can't help but love her!
This little girl LOVES to hug!!!
Haddie Hugs give you the best feeling in the world.
Just ask T-Daddy!
For the fourth birthday in a row,
my "house party" was in the hizow!!!
I love these two best friends like crazy!
Notice Hadlee is quickly letting CoCo and RoRo
know exactly which piece she wants...
obliging the birthday girl!
With her entire name off the cookie cake!!!
HUH-larious!!! I might need to have a talk
with my house party before the big "5"!
Shout out to my sistahs/best friends!
Love ya'll and thank you for LOVING
Love ya'll and thank you for LOVING
my Haddie Girl like you do. Unbelievable!!!

The afternoon was just picture perfect!!!
Jumping, hot dogging, bubbling,
visiting, playing, cupcaking...................................
SAVORing each moment of our little girl's
special, special day!!!
What party is complete

There is nothing in the world like
Jumping, hot dogging, bubbling,
visiting, playing, cupcaking...................................
SAVORing each moment of our little girl's
special, special day!!!

without a cupcake pinata?!?
This was some serious business
for Daddy & Haddie!!!
Almost every little sweet soul took a turn!

Then we let the BIG boys have a go at it...
Didn't take them long at all! Such a fun pic!!!
Haddie is a sweetheart & doesn't mind
showing her love to those closest to her!
She is also VERY lovED by many...

Of course her Daddy tops the list!!!

What else did the Cupcake Princess
do at her party?!? Open gifts of course!!! 
The Reeds hooked Haddie UP with
Strawberry Shortcake stuff & this
bucket of suckers!!! RoRo and Hadlee
have such a sweet little relationship...
often involved around RoRo giving
Haddie suckers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!
Haddie's friends and family
know her all too well...
she got Polly Pocket, art stuff, Fancy Nancy,
baby doll stuff, a Barbie laptop and the
cutest clothes EVER!!!
Hadlee told CoCo months ago that she

wanted an orange light up hula hoop
from Target. Well, you know what
CoCo got her then!!! Wouldn't you know
an impromptu hula hooping contest started...
T-dawg was pretty good until.................

Co Co took her turn!!! BUT then...............
"THE CHAMP" (as my mother calls him)
took center stage and grabbed first place!!!
Who know my son could hula hoop
like this?!? He could go on & on!!!
Gotta sign him up for the Hula Hoop League!
Didn't take Hadlee long AT ALL
to tear into her new gifts!
(with the help of Aunt Lynna, CoCo and Kate Kate!!!)
How about these two cute brothers?!?
Wonder if Hudsy Puds will look just like them!
celebrating the precious lives of your children!!!
she heard that Mrs. Janice was there!!!
"The CHAMP" at it again!!!
Birthday Girl and her Big Brother!!!
Little Brother was such a perfect punkin'
being passed around all the party long!
Mamaw mostly took care of him,
but beautiful Macy and others
took their turns, too!!!
Our precious Cupcake Princess
had the best birthday party!!!
Filled with LOVE, JOY and SWEETNESS!!!
Just like her!!!
How SWEET you are, Hadlee McCall!!!
We love celebrating YOU!