Sunday, March 7, 2010

Three Ducks in a Row

Walker Dalton
Hadlee McCall
Hudson Jack
(My favorite former teacher, beautiful
Mrs. Lively, gave me this sweet yellow
duck onesie when Walker was born.
I had Mrs. Lively in sixth grade.
She is still a dear friend to me
and such a bright spot in my life!)


Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...

That is just the cutest thing ever! I wish Id have done it!

Lucky ducks!!!

Rhonda said...

Those are the three cutest little ducky's I have ever seen!! Hadlee looks so tiny and petite, compared to her brothers! They all three have such beautiful names, too!

Katie said...

What a great idea! How special. All three beautiful babies. ; )

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Oh what a CUTE idea! I wished I had of done this with the 3L's. I can't get over how much Hudson looks like Walker!!! You are raising Walker again!

Sweet guys sure make sweet ones:)

Beth E. said...

Too cute! They all look about the same age in the duck outfit.