We may live in cul-de-sacs that face each other, but we all get busy in the hustle and bustle of school and what not...so it was VERY NICE to stop and just visit!
Monday, November 30, 2009
A Sweet Lunch Date
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Walker had a fun pancake breakfast the day before the Thanksgiving holiday in his class. Such a special treat because Kate Kate was there with Mrs. Gingerich!Of course he and his crazy friends were all about the breakfast in class!
Walker's "Froggie Frogs" as Hadlee and I call them had to get some TLC from Walker & Daddy in the way of a new snail to clean their cage. Walker often changes their names. Currently the post-it note in front of them say their names are "Bob" and "George".
Princess Pie received a little plastic orange fish at Sunday School so she had to have her own fish bowl and within five minutes her fish ("Big Orange") had to have a new bowl! She's been watching Daddy and Bubba do this for Big Blue...
WOOOOOO Big Mama...I will hit 33 weeks tomorrow! This little LOVE is still so crazy in my belly! Waaaaaaaaaaaaay more active than Hadlee and Walker ever were! I love the little stinker so much it already hurts!
Saturday we had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with Troy's side of the family. Just like on Thursday, I only took a few pictures! What is my deal? I think it's my big belly slowing me down!!!
"It is good to give thanks to the Lord..."
Psalm 92:1
Have a WONDERFUL week!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thankful for Turkeys
As I often say, my cup runneth over.
I have MUCH, I mean, more than much, to be thankful for in my life! I am most thankful for my husband, my children, my entire family & Troy's, my amazing friends and neighbors, my church, my kids' teachers, my blogger friends.........
Trust me, this list could go on and on and on!!!
Most of all, I am thankful for GOD
by making cupcakes. Walker had this
grand idea for us to make them into
turkey cupcakes.......................
pantry. Troy was the judge...he gave Walker
the "Best Turkey Cupcake" award!
a perfect day with my family!!!
four pictures!!! WOO nellie...this is a FIRST!
We were missing Travis and Hunter like
crazy on this Thanksgiving Day.
family whom I love so dearly.
We ate my mother's DELICIOUS lunch
(it is THE BEST!), laughed,
napped (well PaPa, Hadlee and I did!),
ate some more (even my dear
mother-in-law made me TWO beautiful,
delicious pies to take to my family),
let everyone feel the baby kick,
laughed with my sisters like crazy,
loved on my niece, and watched my
I ended the night by watching
the A&M game with my hubby
(I even got several kisses since the
Aggies had 39 points!).
Blessed, blessed, and MORE blessed!!!
"From the fullness of his grace, we have
all received one blessing after another."
John 1:16
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mingating and Backaboo
I am so thankful for Haddie's sweetness, her spunk, her companionship, her smile, her health and her beautiful heart.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Turkey Talk
Troy came up with making the turkey
feathers out of paper mache using the
eraser on a pencil. Troy remembered
doing that in elementary school and
You can have two guesses as to who thought of the Aggie outfit for the turkey. I bet both of your guesses will be right...#1 Walker #2 Troy.
Walker is a blast and he lives life to the fullest. I love that about him! He has SO MUCH ENERGY it's not even funny!!!
Walker is also quick-witted...
Recently we picked him up from a birthday
party. He couldn't stop talking about how this
was the BEST party he'd ever been to. This friend
"had the best party and the best toys"...
including a "lightsaber that costs $100".
Walker could see my face and he knows
my feelings on talking like this.
As quick as he could, he changed course with his conversation...
"I am just so happy for Ryan to have those things."
He knew he needed to come back down to reality and embrace his $8.99 lightsaber!!!
Walker is so loving to his little sister. Of course they have their moments, boy do they ever! But more often than not, he is the best and sweetest big brother a little sister could ever dream of having. One day I overheard him reading to Hadlee...melted my heart!
Walker has always been a little obsessed with my nephews Hunter and Logan. This warms my heart because they are like my babies themselves...even if they are teenagers now! Walker has always thought he was just as cool and just as old as they are. He loves for us to pick Hunter up from the high school. As we go through the car pool line, Walker hangs his head out the window and yells for Hunter. Luckily, this doesn't phase Hunter, a freshman, one bit!
Walker is a WILD man and goes from one thing to the other as fast as he can. From his activities, to his wants, to his thoughts...he's all over the place, but when he loves something it's with 110%!
Two days after Walker got his first, LONG awaited pet (a fish named Big Blue), Troy came in from work and said, "Walker, have you fed your fish?" Walker's response...
Thursday night was Open House at Walker's school and time for us to see all the turkeys. I still can't believe my baby is in the first grade.
...his amazing teachers,
...his wonderful art work,
...and his POWER POINT presentation!!!
...and we love to show him off!!!