Walker Studman #9's first season
of coach pitch baseball has come to an end!
He had a great time and we
so super proud of him!!!

Two of his little-est fans who
were always there supporting #7 and #9
(when they weren't off playing with each other!).

The dug-out was a time for serious
preparation for being at bat...
Have I told ya'll that I fell head over
heels for one of Walker's coaches?!?

My All-Star...

This was a priceless moment ~ after
Walker's first time to make it all the way
around the bases to home (NOT by his
hit only), he came running over to me
to get a drink.
He said, "I made a homerun!"
You sure did, babe...
In mommy's eyes anyways!!!
Walker was so lucky to have his best bud
from the Hood, his best bud from pre-k,
and his best bud from kindergarten on his team.
It was even cool when we played other buds!!!

Cutest cheerleader there ever was...
wearing her
Go Walker shirt no doubt!

Aunt Michelle was there to love on #9, too!
Mamaw, too!!! Of course...she loves her some Walker! Even both sides of great grandparents made it to some of his games. They get their very own post though!
He looked so grown-up out there...but yet, he's still my baby boy. Just don't say that around him! 
I can't imagine my life without these two spunky kids!!!
There's that cute coach again!!!

#9 is mine, all mine!!!

I decided to bring that hot coach on home with me!!!

Grandmother & PaPa were often
at Big W's games. No surprise there!!!

On one particular game day,
Walker's best buddy from his class &
teammate came home from school with him.
Those are good days!!!

Sweet Lauren & Haddie Girl...

This couple melts my baseball fever...

One way to pass time at a ball game
is to blow bubbles...

Here are the infamous #'s 7 and 9...
GO VIPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such a fun team!!!

There I go taking home that coach
again...gotta do what ya gotta do!!!

Post game pic with Mommy...
he said he was going to do a tough
face. That's my boy!

Definitely a season to remember!!!

Season closer coming up tomorrow...with a TROPHY!!!