Macy's basketball season at
MCC has been FUN!!!
Here is Macy's biggest cheerleader ready
for PINK breast cancer awareness night!

How do you like her "GO MACY" shirt?!?

The game was televised!!! Go girls!

Yes, my Macy is a starter! I can brag...I'm her Aunt!

Haddie had her CHEER on!!!

Check out this adoring little fan trying
to get Macy's attention...

Hadlee loves EVERYTHING about these games...
I cannot believe that a child of MINE
will eat a HOT DOG!!!

Walker is pretty
cool during the games
and hangs with Logan...

Lil' Sis is pretty cool sometimes...

We now have lots of MCC paraphanalia,
but last game Walker leaned forward to me and
said, "Are we going for MCC?"

Macy's last home game on February 25th...

"Silly PaPa" (wish you could hear Haddie say that!)

Lots 'o fans for Macy Girl...

I love this pic...

Waiting for our favorite Highlassie
to come out! I love yelling,
"Come on Highlassies"!!!

It was this time last year that Macy
was playing in her final high school
basketball tournament. I'll never, ever
forget her WINNING the first game
of the regional tournament for her team.
It was far more THRILLING than any
moment I had ever experienced for myself.
(other than my wedding and childbirth of course!).
It was just that feeling only a
can have!!! SO MEANINGFUL.
It's what is so cool about being a
parent...things are no longer about YOU.
I love that.
AWESOME season, Macy Girl!We are ALL so proud of you!!!