Our gobble gobble time didn't end on Thursday.
No way...we headed to Santa Anna, Texas, to
Troy's sister's house and both of his grandparents' houses.

You might notice that my lil' punkins were very excited!!!
Look at my sweet punkin' pie right here...he melts my heart!!!
I just
fall in love with this little girl every single day...

Saturday was our Thanksgiving celebration with
Troy's mom's side of the family
(we have the celebration at their church).
I LOVE this family...it's a huge, FUN, loving family!!!
As I already told you, my amazing and talented
Mother-in-Law made Hadlee this
ADORABLE turkey dress...

And guess what?!? She also made the dress for
Hadlee's four precious little girl cousins!!!
The mission of the day was getting all FIVE
little turkeys/girls in ONE picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we go...

Moving in the right direction...

Ta Da
...five precious little turkey dresses (AND GIRLS!)!!!

Let me tell you all of their names...
Mylee, Karly, Ellie, Hadlee & Jolie
(all Lee girls and we didn't even plan it like that!!!)

It was a
really fun photo shoot...
especially when Hadlee started picking her nose!!!

A most VERY special shout out to Mamaw right now...
Thank you so, so much for making these dresses for us.
You are such a beautiful, talented person and we
are ALL blessed to know and love you.
You make Hadlee whatever I ask for and you
are always so happy about it. I could
never thank you enough for ALL you do.
Walker & Hadlee love their Mamaw to the moon and back!

Then we decided we needed a boy cousin pic...
It's a rough & tumble, but cute group!!!
How about ALL the cousins in one pic! You betcha!!!
Remember I told you that we have our
celebrations at the church? Here are the kiddos
playing in the gym. They have a ball together!

We had such a good time. I absolutely love being
with my family ~ whether it be Troy's side or my side.
At this point, it's all the same. I love that!

Thankful is an understatement!