Does this sweet thing scare you?!?
Well, I don't have Halloween pictures to post YET!
Too tired from Tricking and Treating...but
seeing as though my kids have been wearing
their costumes any chance they could get (until
I finally hid them!), I do have some pics!!!
STOP my post right here...are you ready for a cute dress?!?
So I saw this adorable idea on Etsy and Hadlee just
happened to e-mail Mamaw (Troy's mom) with a picture
of it attached & her wishes to have one.
VOILA!!! Mamaw came through...
Thanks, Mamaw!!! We love you!
When you have gymnastics two nights before
Halloween, you have to be festive!!!
Here goes my Pretty Punkin'...
Here goes my Pretty Punkin'...
Oh, did you think that Hadlee doesn't give
THE LOOK anymore?!?
Think again...
But never for very long...

"Come on, Mommy...let's go to 'nastics!!!"

God bless this little guy's heart...
It was the day before Halloween and what does he get?!?
the Halloween candy early?!?
Thank Goodness I had enough left for
the Trick-or-Treaters!
And finally, I leave you with some of my fave pics.
And finally, I leave you with some of my fave pics.
So, I've seen all of my blogger friends' cute pictures
to all of these darling little pumpkin patches.
Well, we never quite made it to one.
Luckily, I did find THIS patch of pumpkins though...

Too bad THIS pumpkin patch was at

Nothin' like a Redneck Pumpkin Patch!!!
Hope you had a WONDERFUL Halloween!
Real pics to come soon!!!