This was the first gift ~ Walker immediately handed it to Hadlee for HER to open for HIM! Break mommy's heart!!! Didn't last...but so sweet at first!!!
Swords, balls, motorcycles, cars, legos, Lincoln Logs, moonsand, books ~ all good!!!

This was a total surprise for Walker from mommy & daddy...his very own BLUE Ipod Shuffle! He loves mine so we thought we'd risk getting him one and he LOVES it!
What a great gift ~ the book The Night Before Kindergarten...
I really thought he had everything CARS, but not this!!! COOL!
I've got some 'splainin to do on this one! Walker is very well known around our two cul-de-sacs for the loud, obnoxious horn he has on his bike. He toots that thing like no other to get all of the other Little Hoodies to come out and play. Our dear friends, The Reeds, who NEVER let us down on gifts got Walker this HUGE Taxi HORN!!! It is a RIOT...and it was QUITE the hit at the party! Look at some of the kids' faces while tooting the HORN!
This is probably my favorite picture of Walker from the party. This is TRULY Walker's smile ~ not one 'just' for mommy's camera. This is a HAPPY boy with that hilarious horn from his fave friends...
...have no fear, all Haddie needed was that cat nap on the drive home! She was good to go with all the new toys when we got home!!!

Took Walker NO time to get in his new shirt and get out his swords from Aunt Lynna!!!
Took Walker NO time to get in his new shirt and get out his swords from Aunt Lynna!!!
Aunt Lynna, Aunt Michelle and their families just got back from vacation in South Beach ~ so they brought Walker & Hadlee their shirts to the party. Hadlee was so excited to put on the 'one' thing SHE got at the party! I told her to show me her cute shirt and this is what I got...
Back to the Ipod Shuffle...since getting home from the party, Walker has had this thing in his ears and attached to his shirt! Troy already had music downloaded on it from the CARS movie, Thomas the Train songs, and Walker's favorite song by Matchbox 20 "How Far We've Come" (hence my blog song choice today!)!!! He has no clue the meaning or anything like that; but just like his Daddy, he loves a good beat!

And then Miss Prissy Party Pants who was so excited about all the new toys EVERYWHERE goes and gets an old, old toy of Walker's and plays her little heart out with it!!!

Can't help but love this sweet little thing...
Can't help but love this sweet little thing...
And here is the Birthday Boy in ALL of his bike, new school shoes, and that Shuffle stuck in his ears!!! I got so mad at him during our walk for ignoring me...then I realized it was the Shuffle in his ear and he couldn't hear me!!! We've had a lot of 'HUH?''s from him, and Troy had to tell him to quit talking so loudly!!!
Walker looks so big to me in these pictures (and YES, he starts KINDERGARTEN tomorrow. Hold me!)...

It's crazy to see "how far we've come"!!!
It's crazy to see "how far we've come"!!!
So very thankful for days like this to celebrate!!!

Yes, I caught this at the last moment...holding little sister's hand on our way back inside!!!

Yes, I caught this at the last moment...holding little sister's hand on our way back inside!!!
A perfect end to a perfect day!!!
Happy Birth(party)Day, Walker!
That boy sure did make out!! The horn made me laugh. I can just picture him riding around outside calling his friends out with it and I crack up!
Such cute usual! Your posts always brighten my day! I love a mommy who brags about her beautiful kids (; Nothin' wrong with that, huh?! Hadlee's dress looks homemade! Was it? It is SO adorable! What a sweet girl she is! My day hasn't officially started until Brynne has a bow in her hair now that it is long enough! LOL So fun to be a mommy to a baby girl!
Oh FUN times!!!! Haha. We love you guys. Happy 6 year old birthday tomorrow Walker Reed:)
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