Check out my BIG BOY who started kindergarten on Tuesday!!! What a day!

He be-bopped around the entire morning & all the way down the hall to his classroom! Miss Prissy Pants was the one who was not so sure about Bubba leaving...

Arriving at South Bosque Elementary...
bliss for my boy & blues for mommy (and I think Daddy, too!)!!!

Waiting to walk down to his classroom...

AHHHH, Walker's sweet & beautiful teacher this year...
Mrs. Hentschel!!!

We could tell that Walker was all of the sudden rather apprehensive, but he was so brave and got right to work on his coloring...

It was a loooooooong day (FOR MOMMY!) wondering about Walker all day and I couldn't wait to pick him up (in fact, I got there so early - before anyone else - and felt silly so I went shopping and then returned)! Walker needed a first day treat anyway...

This is what I relied on throughout the day. Walker made this in Pre-K in Mrs. Cox's class & I will treasure it forever! Thanks, Mrs. Cox...we love you!
Finally, I had my boy & he was SO HAPPY!!! Right when he got in his seat he had this grin on his face and said, "
I had a good time." Then with a funny little smirk he said, "
Even though I didn't think I would!"
Here he is telling Daddy all about his first day...

He opened his gift and it was the SKUNK Webkinz...

...I chose this to remind him that kindergarten doesn't STINK!!!

We then went to pick up Hadlee at Grandmother's...

they were so excited to see each other!
As you know Walker's birthday was the very next day. He begged, pleaded and pulled out all the stops... open one present early (of course the biggest one!)...
How could we turn down our new little kindergartener!?!
WOW, I can't believe we have made this rite of passage...I must admit that I think it was a little bit harder on mommy (oh well!)! My dear friend Robin texted me as I was leaving Walker's school that morning and she said, "GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM" (Robin knows me all too well!). That was just what I needed to hear at that time ~ and oh how true it is. I am excited for this new beginning and all that lies ahead! Way to go, Walker Man! We are so proud of you!!!