Sweet Girl went to the Midway
Goal Tender Dance Team Clinic
on September 8th...
She was such a big girl and was
so happy to go off with Kolby...
our sweet friend on the dance team:)
The clinic was held on a Saturday
from 10 to 2. The girls got to
eat Chickfila in the high school cafeteria
for their lunch. Hadlee was with several
friends from school and Ella Kate,
her dance class friend:)
At the end of the clinic,
they performed with the Goal Tenders! :)
Then each grade level performed
a dance they had learned!!!
Hadlee had her groove on! ;)
They were all so cute!!!
Especially my little Haddie Cakes:)
Then the Dance Team performed!
We were so proud of Hadlee!!!!!!
She is as sweet as she is pretty:)
Sweet Little Girl Love:)
Her #1 fan!!!
...after Daddy & Mommy!
Emily & Hadlee
She loved the pom poms!
Precious Girls!!!
Hadlee, Ella Kate, Savannah
They also got to wear the official
The following Friday night
Hadlee got to dance with the
She looked SO precious out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The girls did the dance they learned and
then cheered as the football team ran out!
They also did the Midway fight song,
our school song, and the National Anthem.
Hadlee LOVED being out there!!!
Such a little doll in her hot
pink tulle skirt:)
I was a beaming dance mama!!!
This was when our sweet Hoodie
neighbor Carli came running up
to see Hadlee! :)
Then the football team came running out!!!
# 7 in the picture is my student;)
We were SO, SO proud
of our little Goal Tender!!!!!!!!
(Mike is our distant cousin but he
and Walker always refer to each
only as cousins!!!)

My Little Midway Panther;)
(Mike is our distant cousin but he
and Walker always refer to each
only as cousins!!!)

My Little Midway Panther;)
Grandmother couldn't miss this!
Kenley & Hadlee
Hudson LOVES being at the football
game. He constantly talks about
where the "foooball" is!
When we had to leave, he looked
out on the field and said,
"Bye Fooooball Game"!
When we had to leave, he looked
out on the field and said,
"Bye Fooooball Game"!
Lady's Man ;)
Little girls taking their own pic;)
So my man and I had to do it, too!!!
SO FUN to see Carli on the
field with the Panther Patrol!!!
She does such an awesome job!!!
Grandmother bought the kids
"light up" Midway teeth!!! ;)
I Love you, Sweet Dancing Queen!
SO much:)
Tailgating...with their new grills;)
"For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
Zephaniah 3:17