Hudson cannot WAIT to get out of his
car seat when he sees that the trash can
is still out! Janitor Hudson!!!!!!!

Princess Pie wore this bunny shirt
that Sweet Lindsay, one of my
very first blogger friends,
made for her and sent her
when she was about TWO!!!
Still wearing it:)
Seriously I laugh so hard when
Hudson is driving this thing!
I did this with Walker & Hadlee
I did this with Walker & Hadlee
when they were learning to drive, too.
It's just so funny!!!
Hudson is never looking where
he is going and he never lets up
on the gas!!! Let's just hope
this isn't the case when he is 16;)
The day after the Lady Bears won the
National Championship, my mother
called me to meet her on campus so
she could buy everyone shirts!
I just wanted a simple one...
and she got Sweet Thing one, too!
Of course Daddy & Bubba were
NONE too happy over these!!!
I love that my little girl
secretly loves Baylor!
I'm not into Pininterest...can't even say
the word and certainly can't take on
anything else in my life right now,
BUT I love it when my teacher friends
do share a find here or there
I want to paint these words all over my house!!!
Ever so often my favorite Aussie Down Under
and ALL over will send me a peak at
my far away LOVES.....
like this one of Chloe because she
is finally big enough to wear the
little James Avery cross necklace I
gave her at her baptism.
This does my heart good!
I love this little girl from afar...........
And a picture with Baby Ben in
a little suit I sent him...
just more icing on the cake!!!
I love them like my very own.
You know it's warming up when my kids
start asking for "water trampoline"!!!
(AND when the boys' shirts start coming off!!!)
Beautiful May Days...
Sister doing a science project....
She loves school and all that she is learning!!!
Talk about an experiment.......
THIS is what you get to do when
Aunt Jean is back in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FULLY supervised and FULL PROOF FUN!!!
Could there be an aunt that is more fun?!?
We LOVE you, Aunt Neeny!!!!!!!
And that you are the first person
who ever taught us about catching
lightning bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hudson loves his Bubba.
That is just a fact...
and how sweet is it that I catch him
with Walker's baseball stick figure
picture all the time?!?!?
Almost always giving it a kiss, too!!!!!
My two favorite T's hanging
out on the back patio one Friday evening...
The kids playing hangman with Trav:)
Walker was OBSESSED with the
Wiggles when he was two.
Huds really likes them, too...not
quite as much...but he does
love wearing Bubba's old pj's!!!!!!
Bed Time / Bath Time =
Crazy Time!!!
Okay...check this out!
These are Hadlee & Hudson's feet.
Hadlee is five (ALMOST six)
and Hudson is two!!!!!!!!!!
He is taller at two than she was at three!
My English II classes read Lord of the Flies
together. Since it's about a group of kids
crashing on a deserted island, I decided
to make my classroom into a
"deserted island" and they had to
figure out how to survive!
They had no idea about this until
the day they walked into the classroom
to find it like this.............
Most of the students loved this
and got right to work...
Others didn't really want to survive! ha;)
I had three REALLY great classes this year
and an AMAZING co-teach. I am going to
miss them ALL so much!!! :(
Jason & Jordan with the "conch"...
in the book the boys had to be holding the
conch in order to speak to the group.
We tried that in my class! ha!;)
I had very much to be thankful
for during these fabulous May Days...
"You crown the year with Your goodness;
Your ways overflow with plenty."
Psalm 65:11