It was oh so FUN to plan and help host Co Co's
baby shower for the twins back in September!
The upcoming arrival of these little angels
brought SO, so MUCH JOY to my life!!!
I was in charge of the cookies for
the shower, so I whipped these up...
Yeah right! I wish!!!
A really sweet lady made these...
she's now my "cake" lady!
Our Guest of Honor!!!
Is she not GORGEOUS?!??!?!??!?!??!!!
Here are Kelli's beautiful sisters and beautiful mother.
Mary kept me before I was in kindergarten,
I grew up with all three Gingerich girls,
Mary taught Hunter then Walker.
And all along the way, Kelli has been my
Best Friend.
I just love life, friendship & family.
I always wanted Kathi as my little sister.
I would even go to Kelli's and play with Kathi. ;)
Kelli & I ended up hanging out a little bit too
much during the shower. She forgot about her
other guests, BUT we really wanted a good picture
and she wanted me to cover her belly???
She & I have always been a little obsessed with
our wrinkles...even though our friendship is timeless! ;)
Just kidding about the's a joke!

Seriously I've never seen a girl carry off a
pregnancy with twins better than Kelli G!
She has been a ROCK STAR...
no complaints, no slowing down, no nothing!!!
Kathi's little girl, Violet, helped CoCo open gifts!
Adorable outfits from Angie!
Little Sister, Little Brother outfits
from in my mother!
My replacement...
Kelli's new BREAST friend.
I wrote down all of her gifts for her.
As usual she wanted me to write her thank
you notes, too. I told her I had to draw
the line somewhere!!!
Two of my VERY, VERY best girls
in all of this world!
CoCo & RoRo
SO love that they are dear friends now!!!
The Hostesses...I love them all. Grew up
with a few, college with one and met one
at our church. Such amazing girls
who have ALL prayed for these babies
for so, so long!
My Kelli G...she knows me probably better
than any friend. She knows my whole & all. She's a TRUE,
true friend with the most tender,
caring heart you'll ever know.
Next that afternoon was celebrating
Kate Kate's 8th Birthday!!!
Kate was born nine days after Walker.
Their wedding is going to be so fun!
Sweet Sisters-in-Law
Look what I just happened to find for
the Katerooooo! She most certainly
is a SUPER Big Sis!!!
I love me some Co Co & Kate Kate!!!