Hadlee's first year of dance at
Dance By Emily has been wonderful!
And it was topped off by a
fabulous recital..............
Of course I thought the star was...
Hadlee Ballerina McCall Pierce

Also starring were a few of
our very most favorite little
I even learned a few "bun" tricks!!!
I love being a stage mom...

...to this precious little princess!!!

Hadlee's group (which ranges in age
from 3 to 5 years old) was the first
group to perform...

They were ALL so darling!!!

Right as I was about to leave to go and take
my seat, I thought Hadlee seemed a little
worried about this whole thing.

When I took my seat, I worried a
tinybit about her actually going out on stage!!!

My worry was for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Hadlee was on that stage and she did an
absolutely AMAZING JOB!!!
She really, really knew the routine!
This was right afterwards when we met up
again. She was SO EXCITED and
I was SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By this point, Haddie Girl was ALL ABOUT
performing! She had a hard time waiting
her turn to go back "on stage"!
I love my little performer!!!

Luckily the girls played while they waited.

I played with my best hoodies backstage, too!

Time for Tap!!!

Their routine was to "Put on a Happy Face"!

Haddie puts a happy face on ME!

We couldn't take pictures during the show.
But when that curtain opened,
Haddie's little feet were already tapping!
Again, she knew her stuff!!!
At the end of her tap routine,
she started waving! ADORABLE!!!

Macy took dance from Mrs. Emily
for about ten years. She and Aunt
Michelle couldn't wait to come see
our family's newest dancer!

The whole night was perfect!

Miss Priss kept her happy face on all night long!

I found it so funny at rehearsal that morning
when Hadlee first went on stage because
I heard some little girls say,
"That's Walker's little sister!"
These were girls from Walker's school.
In fact here is a sweet one with Haddie...

Next it was time to line up for the
Grand Finale!!!

Aren't they just precious!?!

I love you, Haddie Girl!!!

When I went to take a seat for the
finale, I found THE Hoodie BROTHERS
way in the back!!!

Thank Goodness they had each other to
make it through the evening!!!

Hudson was a dreamboat himself
at his big sister's recital...
even napping on Daddy Love!

All of the dancers on stage were so beautiful!

Hadlee was waving at everyone!!!
Aunt Kitty & Daddy both think Haddie
was waving right at them!

Mrs. Emily had to tell Hadlee to exit the stage...
the little Showboat couldn't stop waving at her fans!!!

Daddy couldn't wait to see his best girl
and give her some flowers!
Daddy was really smitten with his dancer that night!

Daddy wasn't the only happy
guy to see Hadlee!

Pretty flowers from Mamaw, too!

Mamaw was so proud of her sweet girl!

Hadlee...you are so lucky!
You will always
have a daddy to LOVE
and PROTECT you like CRAZY!!!
He's just that type of daddy!

In fact, you are even more lucky
because you'll actually always have
THREE guys to love and protect you!!!

Hadlee had quite the FaN CLUB
at her recital!!! Haddie Girl...so many
of your family and sweet friends were
there just to see YOU! Look how loved
you are by so many...
never, ever forget that!
(Aunt Lynna was also there but she
left before I got a picture!)

Hadlee asked me backstage all night long
if Mrs. Janice and Miss Adrienne
were out in the audience!!!

Grandmother and PaPa gave Hadlee
the webkinz she has been wanting!

Walker took a moment to have his
picture with a precious girl
from his class. Isn't she a doll?!?

Hudson was all giggles for
PaPa and Brother!

An extremely
Proud Pierce Party of Five...
Life just doesn't get any better than this!!!

Haddie Girl...
you are our precious, precious dancer!!!
You gave dance class and the recital
all your heart.
I just couldn't be more proud of you!!!
For as long as I live, I'll never
forget seeing you so precious up
on that stage dancing your little heart out.

Your family loves you more than
you could EVER, EVER imagine!!!