Dear Walker and Hadlee,
I am amazed at the way you love your
new baby brother. It has been something to see!
Walker...I knew you would be happy to
have another person to join in our fun.
You are definitely a more the merrier type.
But to be honest, I thought you'd think
baby bro was cool but then you'd be on your
You have stepped up to the plate from
You have stepped up to the plate from
day far as loving Hudson and
just being head over heels for him.
It has been AMAZING to watch...
You talk to Hudson all the time and you love to
hold him. You do such a good job holding
him, too. Before school, you always go
and tell him good bye with a kiss while
he's still sleeping in his basinett.
You want to buy him new toys and you
beg for me to put him in your room to play.
You are unbelievable.
Hudson is one lucky little bro!
You're not the only smitten sibling in the house...
Hadlee...I anticipated you being the mommy
type to your little brother. I was right on, but
I didn't realize just how incredibly sweet it
would be to watch this unfold.
You have always been Little Miss Affection to me and I now share you with Hudson. You are constantly giving him sweet kisses and hugs. Daddy said he thinks that Hudson's forehead has a magnet to you. I love the way you want to help me by getting his burp cloths, choosing his diaper for me because you only want him to wear the ones with Mickey Mouse on them NOT Minnie!, telling me to make sure he's awake when I pick you up from Mrs. Janice's, and curling up in the chair with us while I nurse him.
You almost always ride in the car holding
Hudson's little hand. It's so sweet.
The other day I found you both sound asleep
in the back seat and of course you had
his itty bitty hand in your itty bitty hand.
It's moments like this that
I wish I could freeze time...
Walker...I love how you enjoy drawing.
Lately almost every picture you draw has
Hudson in it. And almost always you both
have a light saber in your hands!
I find pictures on the back side
of worksheets in your folder from school.
Melts my heart that you are thinking
of your baby brother even at school.
In this particular one, it looks like you
are protecting Hudson from a droid! 
My Princess Pie...
not only are you an amazing big sister,
but you are flourishing in life.
I love that you are enjoying dance...
Your first recital in May is sure
to be something special!
(Even if daddy says you are NOT
allowed to wear any make-up for it!!!)
Stud Muffin...
You just shine! You give
everything in your life 100%!!!
Little League Baseball Tryouts?!?
You are killing me!
I am so very proud of you!!!
And as for you little man,
you are a dream come true!
I can't kiss those chubby little cheeks enough.
I literally cry thinking about how much
I already love you. 
Love to all THREE of you...Mommy