We are in L-O-V-E with a certain
little somebody who just moved in!!!
To say we are smitten would be
the understatement of 2010!!!
Tomorrow Hudson Jack will be two
weeks old! I want to stop time!!!
We've had many firsts, many laughs,
many kisses, many cries,
and a few naps...
Hudson's first field trip...
out to the man shed with Brother & Sister!
The kids fight over who gets to hold Hudson
and who gets to have him in his room!
Hudson is pretty cool about taking turns...
He is DREAMY!!! just DrEAmy I tell ya!
The little love sleeps A LOT...
...and he makes the cutest, funniest little
The little love sleeps A LOT...
faces I've ever seen!!! He tries so hard
to wake up sometimes, but he just can't.
It's not easy being a week old!
He gets A LOT of lovin'!!!
Sometimes it just might be even
more lovin' than Hudson would like!
It's fun to check the mail everyday!
Our friends and family are so wonderful,
Our friends and family are so wonderful,
but that's for a whole other post.
This gift arrived from down under...
my beautiful Kimberly sent the
sweetest things for Hudson and me!
Haddie Girl was so excited that this was
from Auntie Kimberly AND Baby Chloe!!!
(That pretty rose on the table was from
our pastor. I thought that was too sweet!)
May I present to you
Big Brother of the YEAR...
I am still astonished at how much my
BiG boy loves my LiTTle boy.
Here he is before his basketball game
holding the little dumplin.
Walker has been a scoring machine
on the court ever since Hudson arrived.
Showin' him the ropes, I guess!
Did I mention how DReaMY
Baby Love is?!?
Look at that SMILE!
Probably a sweet dream about his
Probably a sweet dream about his
big sister looking over him!!!
Mr. V is one of my dearest friends
and my former seventh grade English teacher.
We were so happy to have Mr. V stop by!
Look at Big BOY! He had gained over his
birth weight in FIVE days!!!
He likes to nurse! He's a cutie patoooooty
in this number from Aunt Kitty & Uncle Ron!
His grandparents seem to be rather
smitten themselves...
Hudson is quite smitten with them, too!

I've made the comment several times to
T-Daddy that "this is the happiest day of my life".
Everytime I've said it, we aren't really doing
anything. It's just seeing my THREE children
happy, healthy & in love with each other.
There could be nothing better in this world.
Do you just want to eat this little snuggle
bunny up?!? He will nestle right up to you!
people!) were so VERY sweet to bring
us a delicious dinner last Friday night!
Troy is going to be so sad when the
dinners are over!!! This mama just can't
cook like some of these people!
Look at this cake that they made...
LOVE IT!!! And so d-lish...
Walker and Hadlee were so proud of it!
Hadlee insisted on having the "H"!!!
We are most definitely counting our blessings...
such sweet and generous people are in our lives.
Like Mrs. Janice and Miss Adrianne!
Hudson is a LONG and LEAN machine...
he gained back up to his birth weight (actually
an ounce over it) in FIVE days!
This was our first Saturday morning at home
together as a Family of FiVe!
I think this was one of those times that I
told Troy "this is the happiest day of my life."

Best BrOtHers
I absolutely LOVE the newborn stage.
I can't get over the miracle of a new little life.
Sweetest little face...
With the silliest little expressions...He sleeps just like Walker did...arms up like a frog!!!
Aunt Cindy and Uncle James came to town just to see Hudson Jack and stay the night with us. Aunt Cindy is wonderful with babies!!! Too bad HJP tried to sleep the entire day!
Walker and Hadlee were loving their time with "Shampoo". One time I looked over and Cindy had Checkers going on one side with Walker and Polly Pockets on the other with Hadlee!
Happy with "Shampoo"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uncle James is pretty cool, too!!! He and Walker
both got in trouble a couple of times for
playing a little too rowdy with the nerf guns!
Aunt Kitty & Uncle Ron!!!
I love them so much.
They are so good to me, it's unbelievable!
Seriously, ya'll...he's a DREAM BOAT!!!
Co Co and Kate Kate couldn't stay away for long!
I absolutely LOVE this picture of my
very most favorite little friends...
Sweet Sweet Kate Kate with her
future brother-n-law!
Cuzin' Luvin' never hurt anybody!
Hello to the Logster!!!
I'm sure in no time Hudson will be ALL
Hello to the Logster!!!
about Logan just like Walker and Haddie are!
Look who was rather excited to get
out of the house...even if only to go
pick up Walker from school!!!
There's just a whole LOTTA lovin'
going on in this hizow!
We love having
Hudson in de House!!!

Sweet Dreamin' to YoU
from Baby Love and us!!!!!