Our best friends, The Reeds, ALWAYS shock/surprise/scare us with their gifts...
...TWO FROGS for the Birthday Boy!!!
This was unFROGgettable!!! Later on that night, the worker at the church gym asked Walker what his frogs were going to be named. Walker quickly replied, "Bob and Boob"!!! Needless to say, we are working on their names! So goes the story of the kid who begged for a pet for the first six years of his life and on his seventh birthday, got THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love a story with a happy ending so a BIG thanks to the Reeds!!!
Bakugan, Ben10, Nerf, and Transformers were Walker's main interests this year...
This is one of my favorite pics from the night! Such boys...love LOVE love them!!!
Walker was also pumped about his first bow & arrow set from Kate Kate! He's been begging for this at Academy. Guess Kate realizes she might be dating a hunter?!?
Aunt Michelle, who is always so thoughtful, brought Haddie Girl a treat and .....................little baseball shoes for Baby Boy Love!!!