Big Man & I attended the Cattle Baron's Ball
in June. This is a HUGE benefit for
The Amercian Cancer Society.

The whole thing is amazing...
the speakers, the auction, the food, the
western theme, the concerts, the volunteers
(my favorite being T-dawg himself
who works his booty off for this event...
and I LOVE this about him!),
the festivities and most of all,
I am always amazed at the people and
their generosity on this night.
A friend of mine spoke
about having cancer as a teenager and
within five minutes after she spoke,
a few people stood up to give a
total of $50,000
to help provide rides for patients
to their treatments.
And that's really nothing compared
to what else is raised on that night.
People are really good at heart.
It was also SO nice to be out with my man!
I only got sick once during the night
I only got sick once during the night
(that's good!).
It was pretty low key for us this year.
Because of that I didn't even ride the bull!
(Last time I rode the bull was five
weeks after I had Hadlee...
so there's hope for next Cattle Baron's!).
While we were gone, Walker and Hadlee
were not missing us ONE BIT AT ALL!
They had CoCo and Kate Kate
all to themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kelli knows our routines and our lives
really better than anyone.
I have no worries when she has my kiddos!
Obviously neither do Walker and Haddie!!!