Let's GO!!!!
It's my party, I can be cute if I want to!!!
Here is the invite. It was a gymnastics party...
Don't you dare notice the chocolate stain Haddie
got on her outfit before any guests had even arrived!!!
Cookie cakes are Hadlee & Walker's favorite!!!
This was the easiest party I've ever given.
The gymnastics girls helping were awesome!!!
Can you even believe the 3L's came as
The Reeds are so creative and so cute! One day I shall do a post just about their
gifts to us over the years!
They are as close to family as friends can get!!!
Hadlee has the CUTEST friends EVER!!!
Just click on this collage to take a closer look.
Our family, our friends...simply the best!!!
Haddie was thrilled to have her best friend/
future sister-in-law at her party!!!

Hadlee's little gymnastics partner
P.S. ~ Coming to a blog near you soon are MORE photos and possibly a video from the party. There just happened to be some special presentations on the beam & in a floor routine!!! I'll give you a hint...the presentations didn't involve ANY three year olds!!!
got on her outfit before any guests had even arrived!!!
The gymnastics girls helping were awesome!!!
gifts to us over the years!
They are as close to family as friends can get!!!
Just click on this collage to take a closer look.

future sister-in-law at her party!!!
Walker looks like THE MAN in the next two photos...
(it's just the two of them in a class together)
and her bestie from Mrs. Heather's
had so much fun!!!
My favorite birthday girl EVER!!!
Everyone played their little hearts out!!!
How darling are Mrs. Heather's girls?!?
Sweeter than sweet, too!!!
Is this my THREE year old?!?
Thank you God for this little girl...
Probably my two favorite pictures from the day...
The Birthday Group!!! 
That's Lucy, cutie patoooty on the left. She is
Haddie's bestie at Mrs. Heather's!
These are three of my sweet,
beautiful students who came to the party...
Time to celebrate...
~cha cha cha~
Happy Birthday Dear Hadlee

I made a wish for her just in case she didn't!!!
Not having the hat so much!!!
Cute high schoolers and
Kendall (Haddie's gymnastics partner)
Gifts Galore!!!

Part of Grandmother's gift was a Snow White doll to go with...
...my Snow White book from when I was
a little girl!!!
Mamaw hooked the little Domestic Diva up
with her first vacuum!!!
Opening all of her gifts from her sweet family
& friends was pretty serious business for Haddie.
She would only stop to say,
"I want to open this now."
As in, let's take it out of the packaging right now!!!
Team Hadlee's adorable card that went with

their gift...A Baby Alive that really goes tee tee!!!
Every little girl needs a Barbie Cruise Ship!
(Especially one that mommy found after Christmas for $14!)
(Especially one that mommy found after Christmas for $14!)
The Mrs. Heather!!!
Such a dear friend...
Such a dear friend...
she & I want to high school together. 
These two best friends of mine hung the moon!
I call them my 'house party' because they help
I call them my 'house party' because they help
me so much at all of my parties.
They wore matching colors as my house party!!!
This is the kid who was convinced in the days
leading up to the party that a gymnastics place
would be too girly for him...
I think he had more fun than anyone!!!
These three guys seemed to have a pretty
good time, too!!!
My handsome nephew Logan!
He and Haddie have the sweetest relationship...
He and Haddie have the sweetest relationship...
Really no words for this photo.
Hoodie Men?!?
One of my greatest answers to prayer...
Mrs. Heather with Haddie 
Three generations...
Post Party involved playing with
Ice Cream Play-Doh
(something Hadlee has been asking
for since she first saw it on a
commercial months ago)...
WHILE mommy and Bubba opened up
Baby Alive and the Princess Dress-Up Clothes...
(I think Ro Ro and Heather know my Haddie well!)
Off to the prom...

...or off to pick another package to open!!!

Play time with new toys began bright and early
the next morning...
Then it was off to church in
her new high heels just like
any three year old should!!!
I love having a three year old Princess
in my life!!!
P.S. ~ Coming to a blog near you soon are MORE photos and possibly a video from the party. There just happened to be some special presentations on the beam & in a floor routine!!! I'll give you a hint...the presentations didn't involve ANY three year olds!!!