Well, I don't think that my ideas or
techniques on potty training will make
it into ANY child rearing books.
That's fine by me, we got 'er done...
just on our own sweet time.
Better yet, Haddie's own sweet time!
Much to my mother's dismay,
I don't fret over potty training.
In fact with Hadlee I didn't even
present it until she was 2 1/2.
With Walker it took about a week
three months before he turned three.
We camped out in the bathroom and
he knew when he got it down that
he would receive Cranky the Crane.
Simple as that! And it worked,
other than a few issues on down the
road with going #2, but that's a different
story. It's hard for a little boy to stop
and take the time to do that, ya know?
So, in January I showed Haddie
her prize...a Polly Pocket Pool.

She went for the first time and we all
celebrated like it was 1999!!!

She also took this celebrating to mean that
she got her prize...and
oops, I fell for it!

That little stint in January didn't quite
do the trick. We even tried pull-ups here and there,
but they just aren't my thing.
I never, ever used them on Walker.

Of course Miss Priss required her
babies to use the potty...

...and brush their teeth!

Then in March, I gave it the old college try again.
Not really...it was a one day attempt!
Little Miss Thing still wasn't too into this...

Until I mentioned a PRIZE!!!

More Polly Pockets!!!
I fell for her one time potty use and
gave her the treat AGAIN!!!

Don't tell, but even her sidekick was excited
over playing with water & the boy polly pocket!
This post may seem like this was some stressful times, but really it wasn't. These were all attempts here and there. I don't know why it never really bothered me that much. Remember, I still thought Little Miss was my last baby at the time...maybe that was it?!?
We were definitely always stocked with precious panties to her liking...Mermaid, Dora, Hannah Montana, Princess, etc. She fancied the panties and even wore them from time to time, but not really for real, ya know?

It was actually as her third birthday really got near, that I decided to pull out the big guns. THE POTTY CHART!!! The prize this time...a trip to Build a Bear once she was completely potty trained for her
AND big brother IF he helped me on this mission!!!

Not more of this silly potty training again!!! I knew all along that she knew exactly what was up and was just being stubborn, but what can ya do?!?

The potty chart was a big hit with Haddie and definitely the beginning of her
real training. I would constantly remind her of the Build-a-Bear prize. One day I said, "Haddie where do we get to go once you wear panties all the time?" She said so excitedly, "TARGET!" I then replied, "NO, silly, we go
there everyday!"

Going to tell Daddy about her chart...

Captain Underpants was very helpful and supportive!!!

We still haven't made it to Build-a-Bear for the
official PRIZE trip. The Princess IS potty trained and has been for quite a while now. She has forgotten about the PRIZE trip although Big Brother has NOT!!! Don't worry, we've been to Build-a-Bear for plenty of other things!
Now, we just enjoy a whole lot of this...

Stay tuned for "Potty Training a Prince" in about three years!!!