WOOOOOOOO nellie...........it just hit me like a ton of bricks today. In the crazyness of this week (teacher gifts, Macy graduating, end of school, etc.), I really didn't stop to think about and cry about MY boy having his last day of PRE-K..........................which means he is NOW in kindergarten!!! Troy and I thank our lucky stars ~ well, actually, GOD...for the many, many blessings we have in our life. ONE being Walker's experience at Pre-K. He has been at South Bosque Pre-K for two years. It has been unbelievably wonderful! He had just turned four when he started and he was the youngest one in the class. I couldn't even get that boy to sit down &
try to write his name. Now he sits down and asks me how to SPELL words for him to write!!! He surprises me all the time with stuff like...'Mom, I wanted the one on the LEFT.' I'm like "THE LEFT" ~ you know what that is?!? (He doesn't ALWAYS get it correct, but most of the time!)! He has learned so much and I have been just amazed by it. His teachers have been beyond wonderful! They have loved our little guy and taught him so much. They will be our friends for life! We also thought two years ago that we would be getting notes, calls, and color changes all the time...I mean, I do call him
Wild Man Pierce! Walker has been the exact opposite at school ~ so good, mannerly, and obedient. He has made friends and he invites them over all the time (little boys from his class tell me all the time that Walker said they could come home with him!). We've had a couple of girlfriends & lots & lots of FUN!!! Do I sound like a gushing parent?!? I just love this little guy...he's my best buddy ever.
His aaaaaaaaaaaamazing teacher, Mrs. Cox, had the entire class over to her house yesterday for a pool, bubbles, slip-n-slide, pizza, & chalk party. Walker was so exited over this he could hardly wait...

Speaking of Mrs. Cox, here she is ~ an answer to our prayers...

Look out Little Miss ~ that boy is MINE...

Leaving school today ~ officially in KINDERGARTEN...

Little Sister was so proud & happy for Bubba...

He really melts my heart...

Of course we had gifts in the car to celebrate...

Walker...Mommy & Daddy are so proud of you!!! We hope you will keep this enthusiasm and passion for life forever & ever.
You are my sunshine!!!