This is my little boy love, Walker. This guy has melted my heart every day since August 27th, 2002, when I first held him in my arms. He was perfect, plump and sweet! I'll never, ever forget that moment. Walker is such a character!!! He is passionate about life...and I love that about him!

Whatever he does, he does 100%! Walker loves his little sister and takes such sweet care of her (except when she gets into his cars!). From the day he became a big brother, it has been precious
to watch him love, pat, kiss and hug his baby sister. Walker's looks, his charm, his personality (all just like his Daddy's!) bring the biggest smile to my face every day. He truly is my sunshine! Most of all, this little boy has a heart...and for that I am so thankful. I couldn't imagine my life without my Walker Boy!

This is Haddie Girl! From the very first moment I held her on April 25th in 2006, I
knew that I was holding a little bit of Heaven on Earth. That feeling has yet to subside. This little Princess Pie is sweet, delicate, and fun...just all the things a little girl should be. She loves to kiss her baby dolls, have Daddy brush her hair, hug on her Bubba, and

have Mommy paint her toe nails. Hadlee is pure sweetness except when she is giving THE LOOK! She is a perfect combination of spunk & sweet! All day long, we hear this question: "Where Bubba?"...even if he's only in the other room. Haddie Girl loves her Bubba! Haddie wakes up with a smile ready to go and tries desperately to keep up with us all day long. She is most definitely a little lover...her hugs & kisses are like no other in this world. Sweet Hadlee McCall is a pure delight & she makes my world such a brighter, sweeter place!!!