We go to my parents' house for
Christmas Day...
I absolutely love spending an entire day at their house
with my sisters & all of our families!
Here is Miss Priss arriving &
letting everyone know it was time to get
this party started!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Walker went straight out to their back yard...
he is such a blast!
Miss Priss wore her ADORABLE tu-tu &
matching shirt that
Lindsay made!!!
It was quite the HIT!!!

Lindsay...do you agree that a photo shoot
was in order?!? Thank you, my friend!!!

I can vividly remember that it was a couple of
days before Christmas three years ago when
we found out that we were having a little girl.
My mother & sisters spoiled her rotten
with LOTS of little gifts while she was still
in my tummy that Christmas!
What a JOY this little girl is to ALL of us...

My very own little bit of Heaven on Earth...

Houston, we may have a problem. My biggest fear with giving in to the Nitendo DS was what is pictured below!!! It's actually hilarious to hear him "talk" to this game...it's his first video game of any sort. He's fuuuunnnny with it. Hopefully the new-ness will wear off soon though...
"Lolologolon" (Logan) with the Haddie Pattie Pie...
There is such an age span with my kids and my niece & nephews. It's amazing how wonderful they are to my kids. Walker & Hadlee LOVE love LOVE them!!!
Hunter & Haddie...
I happen to love this hunka hunk...
AHHH...my parents! They are the GREATEST!!!
I love my family so much it hurts! Every single crazy last one of them!!!
What we reeeeeally needed were more gifts?!? Thank you Grandmother, PaPa, Aunt Lynna, Aunt Michelle & Uncle Terry!!! You guys are too good to us!!!

Sweet Aunt Kitty & Uncle Ron stopped by with
awesome gifts, too!!! Should have just given
Hadlee this sack and not the Cabbage Patch Doll!!!
The game of "Where's Haddie?" never gets old!!!

Grandmother gave both of her Grand-Daughters
Sleeping Beauty (Macy's fave movie).
They watched it together...
so sweet!!!

Haddie just had to put on her new gown from
Grandmother with a matching wand!!!
There was LOTS of sweet lovin' going on that day...

And then you have my CRAZY sistahs
with Haddie's new guitar...
(Check out my old room at home...
can you believe it was pink?!?)
Then it was time for us to gather around the
piano and sing Christmas carols together.
We are the worst singers EVER and
we were just having fun!!!
Seriously, though, I can play the piano...
bet ya didn't know that?!?
I always think Christmas Day is a great day
for a family picture. Let's see how that went...

Getting there...
A Final Merry Christmas from my Silly, Crazy, Fun~Loving Family to Yours!!!